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Friday, September 3, 2010


Today is the start of my acne-scar removal treatment plan. =)

well ne basically I thought it through, and I realised perhaps home-made remedies are more effective--not to mention nicer smelling--than over-the-shelf plans. This is after trying out products in places like Japan and Korea, and looking at statistics over their market campaignes?

But haha fret not let me try for one month first. This is my current face condition without make-up. Pretty shitty I know.

anyways. as you can see my skin condition is pretty bad naturally, so I am going to take a after photo after one week, three weeks and one month exactly while doing this skin regime.

and i will always photograph the same spot la! (as judged by the mole).

My committed one month face care is

Daily--lemons mask for every day in a week.

Every Mon, Wed and Sunday--special homemade mask which I would blog about.

You can see how it works on me la, and decide if you want it for yourself =) i will post an after photo to show you the results.


1 week

pimple improved!!!!

9:21 PM | back to top

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I feel so much dissonance!!! I need to be chio!!!
It's gotten to the extent that I cannot simply be satisfied making others chio le. I need to be chio too! When I get back to Singapore, there would be limits with experiementations!!!!

7:29 AM | back to top

Strawberry!!! Hand and Body Butter Cream
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Official URL: http://www.sexy-girl.jp/j/products/butter_strawberry.html/
Price: 1050yen
Place I got it at: Family Mart!

Well do you know there are convenience stores named Family Mart in Japan? Those are seriously awesome. They sell everything, even butter creams, or alternatively body butter. Those stuffs smells GREAT man. They have testers, and I bought the above strawberry scented one after smelling one of those testers:):)

Basically body butter is for moisturing skin. It provides you with oil, nutrients and moisture for dry skin (especially in places like Japan luhz, it's so DRYYY here) I don't think it is necessary for people aged 20+ in Singapore, for instance, but once you experience drying of skin, I strongly recommend it. Skincare starts from 21. Suffice to say, a general rule of thumb is that the younger you start a proper skin care regime, the better, so that your skin will age more slowly:):)

So after putting it on my hand, does my skin improve? The answer is...I don't know! Maybe slightly? The effect isn't really instantaneous. But it actually always makes me very happy because the strawberry smell is very sweetly strong ^-^

Strongly recommended if you do come to Japan though!:):) You'd smell like strawberries!


10:36 PM | back to top

Essential--Be Envious, Be VERY Envious! ^-^
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Product: Essential Shampoo Set
Price: 880yen
Place I got it at: Picasso!

Okay I don't mean to start this blog to irritate people, but here's the first product I'm going to do a review on! Essential!!!:D

Okay well I heard that in Singapore the prices are $9 for conditioner (550ml), $12 for shampoo (550ml) and unknown price for treatement (I assume $9 maybe?) And they threw in a hairmask trialpack also whahahahahah!:) Totally honey butter nice smell mans!!:)

I got the whole thing for....tada...880yen. Be envious, be VERY envious! HOHOHOHO!!!! 880yen is like (880X0.015)=SGD13.20= LESS THAN SGD15, no matter how you look at it!:D

But I mean at least the product is available in SG lar hor, which is good enuff...I mean last time everyone was gushing over Tsubaki and there was a period of time when it wasn't even available in SG ne...:p

I'd let you know the effect of this shampoo on my hair. Probably next post or something! I'm looking forward to posting before and after pics:):):):)

UPDATE: WOW IT WORKS MAN, especially if you have curls? the Curls feel super bouncy just after one wash! But you gotta dry them properly luhz:):)


7:07 AM | back to top

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It'd be perfect if you play this video and view my site. I love this song man!:):)

I wanted to make it part of my webpage design actually, but I'd decided to give you guys a CHOICE whether to listen to what I like or not, muahahahahahah! =) But this song is nice la, just like the person is.

What I want to ask you all is --do you think she's wearing a wig? or Hair Extensions?

8:08 AM | back to top


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